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Seven industry standards of rare earth industry approved 20171228

發(fā)布日期:2017-12-28 | 瀏覽次數(shù):2145

On October 29, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology approved 494 industry standards (standard number, name, main content and starting date of implementation) including the "General Requirements for Power Battery Boxes for Electric Vehicles" and two amendments to light industry standards. Among them, there are 26 automotive industry standards, 38 chemical industry standards, 56 metallurgical industry standards, 124 non-ferrous industry standards, 51 building materials industry standards, 1 gold industry standard, 7 rare earth industry standards (see the table below), textiles There are 38 industry standards, 2 packaging industry standards, 1 pharmaceutical equipment industry standard, 33 electronics industry standards, and 117 communications industry standards.

The above automotive, packaging and pharmaceutical equipment industry standards are published by China Planning Press, chemical industry standards are published by Chemical Industry Press, metallurgical industry standards are published by Metallurgical Industry Press, and non-ferrous metals, gold, rare earth and textile industry standards are published by China Standard Press Publishing, building materials industry standards are published by the Building Materials Industry Press, the electronics industry standards are published by the Electronic Industry Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the communications industry standards are published by the People’s Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House.